Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Scooby-Doo! And Guess Who? - S01E25 - The High Wolfman's Musical Lament! - Toonstalgia

Scooby-Doo! And Guess Who? - The High Wolfman's Musical Lament!

Season 1, Episode 25

Premiered July 2, 2020


It's a musical episode.

Thoughts, Details and Recap

It's the musical episode! Unless they decide to do another musical episode. I'm getting serious Daria musical episode vibes from this.

It's fun to see the mix of monsters originated in this series and references to older monsters and episodes with clips. It helps that the look of the characters in this series matches the look of the characters in Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?

The gang is driving along Broadway when they're attacked by a werewolf. The Mystery Machine goes off the road into the water. There's so much logically confusing about this scene but I'm going to pretend it all makes sense because it's a musical episode and nothing will make sense.

Christian Slater pulls the Mystery Machine out of the water. "Greetings and Salutations" (I am obsessed with 80s films). He asks for the gang's help in dealing with the werewolf at a do over prom for his performing arts high school.

Simone returns as a former classmate of Christian's. She previously appeared in "Quit Clowning" and as a competitor in the ventriloquist competition in "Too Many Dummies!" I like her. She's weird. Happy to see her.

The werewolf attacks and Christian falls in a hole. There's a nonsensical chase scene. Not too bad. The score during this scene is stand out.

They pull Christian out of the hole and his leg gets put in a cast. They sing a song about the suspects, the drama teacher, the dance teacher and a classmate who is struggling financially and in his career. Also Simone's there. But they literally call them red herrings in the song. A red herring is a misleading clue in a mystery.

There werewolf attacks. Christian shows up in his wheel chair and attacks the werewolf. He winds up in a body cast. During the next song, they name drop Scrappy-Doo. I would love it if Scrappy was a guest star in a future episode but only if it wasn't an excuse to dump all over him.

They set up a trap with Scooby, Shaggy and Christian as the bait. I love that they commit to rolling around Christian in a full body cast on a chair dolly. They trap the werewolf.

Anyway, it's Christian Slater. He explains that he was the werewolf that ruined the original prom because he was afraid of embarrassing himself with Irish dancing. He did it once again to cover up and avoid facing a girl he liked in high school. None of this makes sense. Especially the fact that he asked for their help. He drops a "meddling kids" but really he would have gotten away with it if he hadn't asked them to come to the prom. More importantly, he tied up Simone and stuck her in the body cast. That's twisted and criminal and no one cares.

The best part of the entire musical episode is the dancing at the end. They reference the dance animations from "Jeepers It's the Creeper" from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! with Scooby and Shaggy, and Fred and Daphne. I love that.

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