Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Artistic License: Gonzo Doodle Video

Artistic License: Gonzo Doodle Video

I made a video. It's not my first, first video. But it's my first video recording my drawing, on my iPod touch and editing with my Adobe Premiere Pro. So it's my first video.

I recorded myself drawing Gonzo for a daily doodle and learned several things. Most importantly, I learned it would have been so much damn easier with a stand for the camera.

What happens every time I do something. I sit back and look at it and go, I could have done better (Yes, it's a stressful way to approach the world.) I'm brainstorming ways to do better on my next try.

I've spent a little over a month with my current mission to educate myself as an artist. I'm constantly learning. I'm constantly seeing things I want to try. I think this is the right way to be. Just trying new things. My neurotic way, my excited way of approaching my growth as an artist.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Artistic License: Drawing myself as monsters

Sometimes I feel like a madwoman, the rest of the time I just feel anxious

I don't know if it's me and that's the difficulty of anxious feelings. I don't know if it's me and it's not always me. Sometimes the thing I'm worrying about and being paranoid about is completely real.

I try really hard at everything I do. I always want to do the right thing. That's it. No ulterior motive here. I'm just trying to do the right things. Trying to do the right thing isn't always enough.

Figuring out a way to express the way I feel with a single image can be deeply therapeutic because I have to conceptualize the way I feel into a visual representation. As someone who has a significant history with emotional numbing and disassociation, it's hard for me to directly confront my own emotions. But when I face the emotions by drawing my bad feelings as the internal monsters they are, I feel better.

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