Thursday, September 15, 2016

Technicolor Text - 12 Words for Each Color of the Rainbow

Paint the World with Words

We live in a colorful world so write a colorful world. Here are a few dozen words to color your work.


  1. berry
  2. blood
  3. burgundy
  4. cherry
  5. crimson
  6. fire truck
  7. garnet
  8. merlot
  9. rose
  10. ruby
  11. scarlet
  12. strawberry


  1. amber
  2. apricot
  3. carrot
  4. cheeto
  5. creamsicle
  6. flame
  7. ocher
  8. persimmon
  9. pumpkin
  10. rust
  11. tangelo
  12. tangerine


  1. buttercup
  2. canary
  3. daffodil
  4. gold
  5. goldenrod
  6. highlighter
  7. honey
  8. jaundice
  9. lemon
  10. saffron
  11. sun
  12. tweety bird


  1. absinthe
  2. antifreeze
  3. artichoke
  4. emerald
  5. hulk
  6. lime
  7. mint
  8. mold
  9. moss
  10. pea
  11. pear
  12. pine


  1. aqua
  2. arctic
  3. azure
  4. cerulean
  5. cobalt
  6. hypothermia
  7. lapis
  8. navy
  9. ocean
  10. periwinkle
  11. sky
  12. windex

Isaac Asimov and I agree. Indigo doesn't deserve a place on the list.


  1. amethyst
  2. boysenberry
  3. bruise
  4. eggplant
  5. fuchsia
  6. grape
  7. heather
  8. lavender
  9. mauve
  10. orchid
  11. purple
  12. plum

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