5 Methods for
Focusing on the Task at Hand
(Or things I've learned from playing Batman: Arkham Asylum)
It is a war to focus. The mind loves to wander. You are trying to do one thing when another important problem pops up.
This is the golden age of procrastination and distraction. The task at hand is shoved aside in favor of any of the hundred million distractions available to the modern procrastinator.
Focus is a virtue. It’s also a skill to develop and hone.
You're trying to focus on a puzzle. Then someone is talking to you. Suddenly, this goon in clown makeup gets the jump on you. All because you weren't focusing.
In the world of Arkham Asylum, Focus is a survival skill. Focus lets you take out a mob of prisoners. Focus is life or death.
Here are some tips I've learned from playing Batman: Arkham Asylum.
This is the golden age of procrastination and distraction. The task at hand is shoved aside in favor of any of the hundred million distractions available to the modern procrastinator.
Focus is a virtue. It’s also a skill to develop and hone.
The Peril of Losing Focus on Your Task
You're trying to focus on a puzzle. Then someone is talking to you. Suddenly, this goon in clown makeup gets the jump on you. All because you weren't focusing.
In the world of Arkham Asylum, Focus is a survival skill. Focus lets you take out a mob of prisoners. Focus is life or death.
Here are some tips I've learned from playing Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Ways to Improve Focus
Eliminate distractions
It's not always possible to eliminate distractions. But it’s important to limit them as much as possible. You could go somewhere quiet and private to work. You could download an app that blocks you from going on a nonproductive site. Do what it takes to make focusing the easiest part of your work by giving yourself one thing to focus on.
Break the goal down into tasks
Break down the work into tasks. It’s easier to focus on writing a sentence than a novel. Rather than worry about the larger goal, you can focus on the steps that it takes to get to that goal. Each task brings you a step closer and gives you a growing sense of accomplishment.
Step back and calculate
Don't sit on your gargoyle forever but don't jump the guy with the gun without a plan to take him down quickly and quietly.
Step back from the situation. Assess. Don't immediately jump into a project without a plan of attack. Observe, decide on a course of action then attack.
Don’t take on too much
Games have a fixed number of problems to solve. Life on the other hand will gleefully just keep dumping new problems on you until you are neck deep. Sometimes the best you can do is to not create new problems for yourself.
Don't take on too many projects. With too many projects and too many problems, your attention becomes diverted. Don't be afraid to turn down a project.
Attack the tasks based on priorities
Focus on the steps leading to the goal, not the end goal. You can't get into the locked room to save the civilian if you don't first slow down and look for a grate to tear off the wall.
I find that I procrastinate the worst when I try to tackle the biggest problem. When I face a large pile of work, the size of the pile can overwhelm me and push me to push it off. So I prioritize. Tackle the tasks one by one. You could start with the simplest or the most immediate problem. Attacking that problem reduces the size of the pile and with each finished task the pile shrinks and becomes easier to face.
Focus is the key to finishing your work
I find that I procrastinate the worst when I try to tackle the biggest problem. When I face a large pile of work, the size of the pile can overwhelm me and push me to push it off. So I prioritize. Tackle the tasks one by one. You could start with the simplest or the most immediate problem. Attacking that problem reduces the size of the pile and with each finished task the pile shrinks and becomes easier to face.