Sunday, September 4, 2011

Some Tips for Creating a Spell

  • A spell is a recipe. 
    • Can't Rain On My Parade
      Featured with permission from ozureflame
      Visit Ozureflame on deviantART
    • A spell needs the right ingredients combined in the right way.
    • Timing is also important.
  • Intent is the reason and emotion of a spell.
    • Intent is more than what you want. It's what you feel while you're casting. It's why you are casting.
  • Like attracts like.
    • Do bad things and bad things will be attracted to you. 
    • Do good things and good things will be attracted to you.
  • "Be careful what you wish for"
    • Be sure that you want what you ask the universe to give you.
    • The universe may give you what you ask for, what you want, or what you need.
  • Record what you do and learn.
    • A book of magick is a personal expression of your understanding of magic.
    • It is also a record of the spells you have cast.
  • Incorporate the essential elements.
    • The classical elements are most often quoted as being earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. 
    • There are many different traditions of essential, classical and cosmic elements.
  • Include a statement of purpose.
    • This can be drawn, spoken, sculpted, written, or expressed in any way.
  • Use what you have.
    • A powerful spell can be cast using ingredients in your home and backyard.

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