Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Magical Uses for Fireworks

Fireworks are beautiful, spectacular and incorporating them into a magical ritual can be a fun idea.

Light Explosion
Featured with permission from CuoreNudo
Check out CuoreNudo's work on deviantART
A sparkler can take the place of a candle in a short spell.

A fireworks display (such as those during Memorial Day or the Fourth of July) can be a good setting for magick. You can take advantage of the atmosphere of the celebration to charge your spell with positive energy.

A single firecracker can be a unique ingredient to introduce into a spell. They incorporate the elements of fire, light, sound and time. They also incorporate drama which is the point of ritual work. (But choose where you cast carefully.)

Smaller fireworks or sparklers are preferable. You want the flash, not the bang.

You can charge a single firework or sparkler with your intent. Imagine your request being released into the universe as you burn it.

Note - Abide by all local laws and ordinances. Be safe. If fireworks are illegal where you live, don't use them. Getting a fine, a ticket or arrested would ruin your day. If using fireworks, use them with care because an injury would really ruin your day. Finally, be considerate your neighbors (both animal and human). Remember many people and animals don't like the noise.

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