Friday, September 23, 2011

The Flying Spell - 10 Aids to Help You Take Flight

Magic to Take You Anywhere

No Superman, no broomsticks or no fairy wings. 

Okay, maybe Superman, broomsticks, and fairy wings if that's your thing. Me, I'm a bat kind of girl. All four are powerful symbols for flights.

Just don't expect to take to the air and go to Japan for a weekend vacation without a boarding pass. This reality doesn't work that way.

Spells and magic have long been employed to aid in transcending the bonds of the corporeal body (or to fly). Stepping out of your body can offer you the chance to see and experience amazing things.

There are many spells, rituals and methods to aid you in taking flight.

How do I fly? 

Astral projection.

It takes practice to become proficient. Astral Projection can be an attractive escape. This can become a dangerous attraction.

You must find ways to ground yourself or risk becoming lost. Not lost in the dramatic ways of television shows (where you wander in a barren desert cut off from everything you know) but lost in your life and lost inside yourself.

There are many books that offer directions to achieving astral projection. My only advice is for you to find a way that suits your personality.

I cannot meditate in silence. It doesn't work for me so I don't do it that way. I find music helpful for focusing. Photos are helpful as well. I usually employ a charged stone or object for aid in focusing on my desired destination.

Experiment, try different methods and discover what is effective.

Ten Aids to Help You Take Flight

  1. Highly Toxic Old School Potion - Please don't do this. I don't want you to get hurt.
  2. Flying Ointment - Make your own. That way you know what's in it. But again, avoid toxic ingredients.
  3. Astral Projection - Practice, practice, practice.
  4. Dreams - Dream incubation, dream programming.
  5. Herbal Supplements - There are many supplements that can improve the quality of your dreams and the clarity of your recall.
  6. Vitamins - Vitamin B and C are two of my personal favorites. But be careful with B-6 or you will lay awake.
  7. Invocation - Choose a flying spirit or creature. 
  8. Simple Incantation - Find one or write one. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare or Latin. It just has to be meaningful.
  9. Amulet - Create an amulet and imbue it with the intent.
  10. Ritual Magick - Combine timing, incantations and anything else you need to raise the energy within yourself and draw the energy into yourself.
Requisite Warning: Be responsible and take care of yourself. This area of magick is draining and can be dangerous if approached wrong. There are physical, magickal, emotional, and psychological dangers so be aware.

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