Monday, September 5, 2011

Changing Reality - Reality Shifting

"From every point of entry...a wormhole branches into multiple paths." 
-Farscape "Unrealized Reality"
Noah's Ark Experiment
Featured with permission
from sleepyoctopus
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  • Reality
    • An infinite number of universes with untold possibilities exist.
    • Reality is not static. 
    • Reality changes all the time.
  • Possibilities
    • Changing reality through thought.
    • Shifting into an alternate reality.
    • Changing the odds of an event. 
    • Tapping into another version of yourself.
Reality shifting is a powerful concept in magic. Shifting reality can allow you to achieve impossible things.

Some Ways to Use Reality Shifting to Change Your Life: When in the middle of an unbearable situation, be the version of yourself that knows how to face it. Visualize the reality you want and ways to achieve that reality. Use lessons learned in alternate timelines to improve your life and the lives of others. Change yourself and the world.

Farscape: The Complete SeriesWhat the Bleep Do We Know!? is an interesting movie that addresses the idea of thought influencing reality (on a quantum level).  It visually illustrates some concepts in quantum physics that are helpful for reality shifting.

Alternate realities are a popular concept in television shows (Buffy, Warehouse 13, Farscape, Phineas and Ferb, MST3K). An episode of Farscape (Unrealized Realities) had John Crichton traveling to unrealized realities that were starkly different from his own. They all existed. But none of the realities existed for him except in those moments that he experienced them.

Alternate realities in television shows are generally used for dramatic or comedic effect but they illustrate a real idea. Every moment reshapes reality. An alternate reality could possess a version of you that you think is impossible (for better and worse).

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